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May 2019

federica barbaro pb tankers

Federica Barbaro represents PB Tankers at the ISPI Infrastructure Conference

Federica Barbaro, attended the conference “Geoeconomics of infrastructure investments: opportunities for the Italian System”, organized within the Infrastructure Observatory promoted by ISPI, with the knowledge partnership of McKinsey & Company.

During the event, held in Rome on April 9th, our Company participated in the debate together with the leaders of the most important Italian companies in the transport, energy and telecommunications industries. The purpose of the meeting was to create a dialogue between institutions, partners and sector operators with the aim of investigating the country’s opportunities related to the development of infrastructure.

What is the macroeconomic impact of infrastructure? How the increased global connectivity influences the relations between states? How can the public and private sectors work together to encourage more investment?

Important stakeholders have been called to speak in order to answer these questions, such as Giampiero Massolo (ISPI and Fincantieri), Stefano Napoletano and Nicola Sandri (McKinsey & Company), Claudio Andrea Gemme (Anas), Luigi Gubitosi (TIM) and Federica Barbaro who represented the maritime transport sector and presented the industry main critical issues and opportunities, suggesting a solution to increase international competitiveness and economic growth in the country.

During her speech, Federica Barbaro highlighted the five key topics linked to the maritime transport infrastructure system:

  • The structural and logistic status of Italian ports and the modernization measures necessary to compete with international standards and decrease the regional infrastructure gap.
  • The new opportunities for a sustainable transport system: from the Small Scale LNG and the LNG Depots to the adoption of new technologies for measuring and reducing emissions of NOx and COx.
  • The importance of improving and rethinking bureaucratic procedures to increase competitiveness in the eyes of international partners.
  • The need for innovations such as the Blockchain for the development of new markets in the maritime field.
  • The centrality of a synergy between the banking system and the development of an infrastructure financing plan aimed at enhancing a public-private collaboration.

During her speech, Federica Barbaro, had the opportunity to illustrate some of the virtuous initiatives that have marked the commitment of our Company in the adoption of new technologies and solutions for decreasing the environmental impact.

  • Among them:
    The implementation of a project for a Small Scale LNG (SSLNG) of 30.000 mc to be used on the Italian Coast and the development, still in progress, of a project for SSLNG suitable for bunkering (7.000 / 7.500 mc).
  • The installation of a complete hardware and software system on all ships of our fleet to reduce fuel consumption and NOx and COx emissions.

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